
jéco 2016

I am the Director of the Department of Economics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, where I hold a Full Professorship in Applied Microeconomics, and serve as a Scientific Advisor at the French High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education within the Department of Academic Program Evaluation. I am also an Associate Editor of the academic journal International Tax and Public Finance and a member of the scientific council of the Journées de l’économie, an event promoting the diffusion of academic knowledge, organized in Lyon on an annual basis.

I am affiliated with the EUTAX Observatory, located at the Paris School of Economics, a center for economic research contributing to a democratic and inclusive debate on the future of taxation, and with the CESifo research network, a global research platform with an emphasis on public policy issues.

My main research areas are applied micro and public economics, with a special focus on how to design redistributive policies to fight income and wealth inequalities in a world where rich households and firms can threaten to vote with their feet.

I hold a PhD in Economics from EHESS in Paris and the University of Cambridge (within the European Doctoral Group in Economics) and was a postdoc at MIT and Vanderbilt University. I worked abroad for 10 years, in the US, in Singapore, Sweden and Germany, before coming back to France in 2016. This is why I am also a “docent” in economics from Uppsala University, the docentur being the highest university degree in Sweden. In 2017, I was an expert for the “Conseil des Prélèvements Obligatoires”.